Coolup Campdraft Club
Campdrafting is a unique sport and has its origins with the pioneering stockmen of the Australian bush that involves a horse and rider working cattle, requires tremenduos horsemanship, courage, and luck.
"Understanding two animals at the same time, split- second timing and Judgment"
By Ben Hall - Australian Campdraft Champion
Campdrafting is one of only three sports offically recongnised as Australian-developed and according to some estimates - It's fastest growing. The other two are Aussie Rules footy or AFL and polocrosse.
Up Coming Events
Bob Trickett Memorial Campdraft
Featuring the Le Chem Gold Nugget Open Campdraft
Anzac Day Long Weekend 23-25th April 2022 (Sun up to Sun down)
Dates & Entries: www.campdraft.com (events calander)
Look up: Coolup Campdraft via Campdraft Central
Join us for 2 exciting days of drafting! Volenteers are well come to help run the weekend please let us know if you are keen to do so.
Nominations: www.campdraftcentral.com.au
Rules & Regulations: http://www.campdraft.com.au
Riders and their top horses come from all over the state as far as the Great Northern to Great Southern lands. Majority are station owners, farmers and their families.
These complex events takes place on time and run smoothly.

Executive Committee:
Chris Hooper
Vice President:
Steve Van Den Broeke
Kylie Van Den Broeke
Debbie Pollard

Rob Thompson
Kylie Howard
Ed Baker
Tanya Yeomans &
Jenny Brett
MEA Representatives:
Gavin Parnham